As you might have garnered
from my earlier blog
about pigs and cats and fish,
I never had the experience of
growing up with a cat.
If I went to a friend’s house
to play and they owned one,
I viewed it with a healthy balance
of fear and ambivalence...
pretty much code for ignoring it
It wasn’t part of my world and
the fact that they
took care of their business,
in the same place that I took care of mine, frankly freaked me out.
Even though I never owned one,
to this second,
I can clearly recall the smell of them.
I give you this
bit of information,
as a precursor to the
stupidity of a friend
that decided I was the
best choice to nab,
when she and her boyfriend
went to Greece for three weeks,
to visit his family.
She owned two cats:
Elvis and Ebony.
Elvis was a mush-head.
You could pet him...
You could hug him...
You could dress him up
if the urge so moved you.
He was the most mellow pussycat
I had ever laid eyes on.
Probably so mellowed out
from the years of living
in a cloud of Marijuana smoke.
Has there ever been any research
on the effects of
second-hand pot smoke,
on the pets that live
in that perpetual cloud? Hey….

on the effects of
second-hand pot smoke,
on the pets that live
in that perpetual cloud? Hey….

What can I say about Ebony?
This is tough.
Ebony was the anti-Elvis.
He was also the anti-Christ.
If you entered the apartment
and looked over at Ebony,
you could pretty much
expect a cat splayed across your face,
as he could go 0 to 60,
in three split seconds.
He made this evil hissing sound,
on an almost constant basis.
He looked like the fattest
freaking reptile,
except he climbed into a box
in the bathroom to poop.
I grew up somewhat fearless.
I was a street kid.
I was a tomboy.
I do have a few deathly fears,
which those close enough
to me are fully aware of, and,
from ever discussing in my presence.
If you break the rule and
discuss them in my face,
well then you get a
call from me at 3:45a.m.,
when I’m freaked out
that something is in my bed.
I don’t F-around with this….
It’s my hang-up and
that’s how I deal.
So on my short-list of fears,
Ebony...the evil, devil cat,
made the grade.
My forehead was all wrinkled up,
as my friend was laying
out her vision of me
visiting the boys every other day,
for 21 days.
I had a hard time imagining
how I was going to swing this.
Hell, I could take Elvis with me
on the roller coaster at Great Adventure
out her vision of me
visiting the boys every other day,
for 21 days.
I had a hard time imagining
how I was going to swing this.
Hell, I could take Elvis with me
on the roller coaster at Great Adventure

and not have a problem with him.
But Ebony,
was a horse of a different color.
To be precise, a jet black horse.
I reviewed the list of items
involved with cat care.
As this was back in the ‘80’s,
there was no modern-day
fix to dealing with a kitty litter box.
They left it there,
but it was up to me to remove it.
Although I desperately
tried to dream up
some genius mechanical alternative
to being this close to
I realized there was
no way around it.
Why I agreed to this,
I’ll never know.
Stupidity seemed to be
my guiding force,
for many a year.

We next went into the kitchen,
where she had basically built
a pyramid out of cat food cans,
forcing me to take from the top
and work my way down.
I guess she had laid out a
balance of meat, fish and God-only-knows
what the other food group was
to make sure the boys
weren’t bored with their vittles,
while she was off
ruin-schlepping in Mykonos.
Lying on the table,
next to the Great Pyramid of Egypt
is a hand-held can opener.
Holy Shit!
NOW I know
how my carpal tunnel actually happened.
The worst part of this gig
was actually not dealing
with the poop –
it was the parking.
This was a street where
‘alternate side of the street parking’
like living with a
chronic infected tooth,
in need of a good root canal,
but being forced to see
a different dentist,
depending on the day of the week.
They were forced to
live their lives around this
archaic parking system,
all in the name of
The New York City
Department of Sanitation
coming through with the
street sweeping machines…
It’s the Bronx, for Christ's sake..
it’s supposed to be dirty.
There were hundreds of
examples of being
in the middle of something,
when one of them
went screeching out of the apartment,
flying down the stairs
to get to the car in time, before the
NYC Parking Authority
plastered the car with tickets.
I’ve also encountered
death rides from Manhattan,
back to their apartment,
as the parking situation was,
“you snooze, you lose.”
Her boyfriend, driving
90 mph
up the
Major Deegan Highway
at 4:00am to secure a parking spot,
was not a good thing.
As I’m regretting
the acceptance of this
favor for a friend,
I’m weighing my options of:
1. Driving around in circles, to park my car,
to go and scoop cat poop...or,
2. Moving in for three weeks and
risking being clawed to death
in my sleep by a
cat with anger management issues.
So, I sucked up my poor decision making, coupled with a raging inability to say NO!, and did my kitty duty.
I’d go into the apartment and
try to be gentle, yet jovial,
like I was really happy to be there.
I’d pet Elvis &
mush his ears together like Yoda…
mostly because he let me.
And I’d make a
sincere attempt to get
within hissing distance
of the evil, devil cat.
As I’d look in his direction and
hold up a crucifix,
I felt cat saliva flying
through the air, across the room.
I’d try talking to him,
from a safe distance:
“Hello, Ebony…
How are you, boy?
How are you doing?
Did you like your meal yesterday?
Have a nice poop?
The power of Christ compels you.”
I mean, what the hell else
am I supposed to say?
I’m making one-way,
stupid ass talk
with the meanest cat in creation.
From ten feet away,
he’s swinging his paws and
claws at me..
Well, no more
sweet talk for you, Mister!
I’m done.
I’ll feed your ass and
clean up after you,
but you can talk to yourself.
Elvis is taking all of this in and
like a bratty sibling,
climbs in my lap and
nuzzles up against me.
I swear I saw him
stick his tongue out at Ebony.
Now, don’t get me wrong.
I truly felt bad that
Angry-Cat had no physical affection or
real company for three weeks.
I rigged cat toys,
to verrrrryyy long pieces of yarn,
so I could participate in
Ebony’s playtime,
without risking
plastic surgery reconstruction to my face.
I’d throw the toy,
over to where I could make him
out on the other side of the room….
he’d look at it for awhile and
then make a small move toward it.
I’d tug on the yarn a bit,
just to engage him.
Well, after 30 seconds
of playfulness,
he clawed the cloth ball to ribbons.
I dragged the
very dead toy
by the attached yarn
back to me and
examined it,
in shock & awe.
That could have been my face.
That’s enough frivolity
for one day, or better yet…
three weeks.
On day one,
I opened two cans of
some fishy kind of food
and placed them on the floor.
Elvis comes barreling in and
devours his dinner,
before I even rinsed off the can opener.
He rubs up against my leg,
just to let me know how
much he loves me, and then leaves.
As I’m rinsing out the empty cans,
I suddenly feel as though
I’m no longer alone in the kitchen.
I swallowed hard and
quickly assessed
the teensy window
next to the stove and
sadly determined
that I was just born too
big of a girl to fit through it,
to get to the fire escape,
if need be.
I slowly turn toward the
kitchen entrance and
there he is.
I felt like Wyatt Earp,
about to go head to head with Curly Bill.
My heart was pounding and
I was certain that Ebony
could smell my fear.
His eyes looked a little more
squinty than they usually were,
as he sized me up.
I slid his food dish across
the linoleum with my foot,
trying to put as much
safe distance between us
as I could manage,
in a two-foot long Bronx kitchen.
he also gobbled down my offering.
He then looked up at me,
as if he was suddenly willing
to tolerate my presence and
proceeded to
Or choke.
My first thought was,
“Oh, No.
You puke, I puke.”
I didn’t know if this was one
of those hair-ball thingy situations
that I had heard about,
but since he had just finished eating,
I thought perhaps a little fishbone
had remained from the can.
I’m trying to
mentally conjure up
an image of how to do a
Heimlich Maneuver on a
pissy, pussycat,
without crushing his
skeletal system or,
more importantly,
me coming out of this looking
like I’d met up with Freddy Krueger.
I’m trying to talk him through it.
“Ok, Ebony…Susi’s here…it’s ok,
just be a good boy and
yak it up.”
What else could I say?
I didn’t want to seem
insensitive or worse,
I strongly disliked and
feared him,
but I wasn’t a monster and
the prevailing thought was,
“Oh, crap…if he dies,
they’re gonna pin it on me!”
I had all kinds of solutions, running through my head.
I’d simply buy a replacement cat!
I Sure couldn’t pick one any worse,
but for some God-forsaken reason,
they loved this little bastard
and would surely notice
if he suddenly seemed
like he’d undergone
intensive therapy while they were gone.
Or I could get him stuffed and
put him on a little dolly and
pull him around.
Nah…that’s stupid...
They had carpeting
in the living room &
the wheels wouldn’t
have moved very well....
The last option ...
was my last option.
was my last option.
I’d simply put the cat in the freezer
and meet them with a bottle of Stoli &
a sympathy bouquet at JFK.
I did the only logical thing
I could come up with.
I ran through the apartment,
their bedroom closet,
whipping open every drawer,
looking for props.
I did the same thing
in the kitchen and
when I reappeared:
I had John’s catcher’s mask
on my face,
over a ski mask
you'd wear to rob a bank,
with a pair of
giant sunglasses
on top of that.
Around my neck,
I wrapped every scarf
I could find, until I looked like
I had a goiter the size of China.
I put on her long winter Down coat,
but I worried if I got swung at,
that it would be a bitch to
vacuum up all of those
expensive feathers.
On my hands,
I had her oven mitts,
with a long pair of
rubber-tipped tongs
in each hand.
I had no f’ing idea of what
I was supposed to do
with this protective get-up and weaponry,
but damn it,
I was prepared.
If I was forced by God
to squeeze this stupid cat,
to make him puke,
well I sure as hell
wasn’t using my bare,
exposed hands.
I think I scared the shit
out of evil, devil cat,
as his gagging problem
instantly stopped
at the sight of me and
he ran under the bed and
remained there.
Every time I opened
that front door and
gave my jolly greeting of the day,
I heard claws hitting
the hardwood floor
of their bedroom,
sliding into his new hiding spot.
Problem solved.
Oh, gosh…
I think I’m The Cat Whisperer.
I never heard this one before it was hillarious!
ReplyDeleteHey Anonymous!
ReplyDeleteThank God your cat Dutchess was a piece of cake to care for,compared to this little nightmare of mine!