Because I have lived a life marred
by such occurrences as
being born on Leap Year,
by such occurrences as
being born on Leap Year,
being an actress...
from the very second of
my entrance onto Planet Earth,
as well as being the
general class clown that I am,
as well as being the
general class clown that I am,
I decided…a long time ago,
that I would have to
exit Earth,
exit Earth,
I have attended my fair-share
of memorials & the like.
I have heard every sweet story,
of having ashes sprinkled
over the heartland,
over the ocean &
over ex-lovers,
but mine is unique.
I told Doug, when we were planning
our final arrangements,
just what I envisioned.
Now, being a wee lass,
who is a whopping six years
younger than my husband,
I have to have contingency plans,
in case he goes first.
I plan to pay for this shin-dig
with all of my F-You Money...
with all of my F-You Money...
that's code for money that I've earned,
killing myself for nothing:
I have documented my desires,
should my husband outlive me &
try to take the proceeds
for these plans &
have his beloved
1980 Trans Am rebuilt

or something..

I’ll expect you
to do the right thing &
call him on this,
should you out-live me & actually get
an invite to this beach bash...

As it just so happened,
I recently portrayed
a Blonde Zombie in
"Rusty Hillenmeyer's-
How To Survive A Zombie Outbreak,"
so it's obvious that I am
an expert on the subject.
And since I have
eating my remains...
I wish to be cremated.
an expert on the subject.
And since I have
eating my remains...
the dreaded Zombie,
I wish to be cremated.
I want my ashes to be
taken to the Grucci family,
to be professionally
stuffed into specific
Roman Candles & the like.
stuffed into specific
Roman Candles & the like.
I expect
will pay for
a magnificent display of my
dead ass...
I envision this Last Soiree,
as follows:
A whole fun,
family-surrounded-afternoon of
food & booze.
food & booze.
Hopefully, no one goes &
gets eaten by a shark &
gets eaten by a shark &
tinkles all over my final festivities...
But I selfishly digress.
At dusk, everyone can go
to the provided facilities &
shower off, from their day
to the provided facilities &
shower off, from their day
in the sand
and the sun
and the Banana Boat.
They will put on sweatshirts &
return to the beach...
to a prepared,
ass-kicking clambake &
liquor-fueled fest.
as you sip your
and think of how
stupidly generous I was,
serving MY favorite Chardonnay,
all on my dime.
You will reminisce about
stupid things I’ve done with you or
shared with you or
how I almost
got you killed that one time.
all of the sand chairs will be
pulled into a nice circle,
pulled into a nice circle,
Grucci employees/descendents
will be toiling from
a safe distance,
When the first ooohhhh!
is heard, that’ll be me
you’re ooohhhing at.
I will be colorful &
I will be spectacular.
There will be no tears…
Just some good Chardonnay,
as you share an old, old girl's goofy stories,
with a few snarky observations thrown in,
from real time....
When you gather your kids
(or your great-grandkids)
to go home,
you’ll be all warm & fuzzy,
as the stardust from the evening sky,
will remain in the children’s hair,
long after you tuck them in to sleep...