In 198?, my best friend Lori and I planned a vacation get-away to paradise.
We were grossly underpaid &
horribly taken for granted in our fabulous cosmetic career, so it was time to go.
Although, this flavor of paradise didn’t contain sand…
it contained SNOW.
We went to Club Med at
Copper Mountain, Colorado,
in mid-JANUARY, for a week of intense ski training and intense liver conditioning.
We envisioned 6 days of
learning how to ski
the deepest powder in the West,
coupled with 6 nights of maneuvering
the deepest lines in the bars.
NOTHING, went according to plan.
On the morning that we were to depart for the airport, my then-boyfriend picked me up and we drove to collect Miss Lori. At 5:00am, she’s nowhere to be found. We’re supposed to be on the road to LaGuardia
in 30 minutes, and she’s not surfacing.
I reluctantly had to ring the bell to her apartment,
waking up her parents. 
They announced that she went out on a date and had yet to return. Not only had she yet to return, she had yet to pack…There was ski crap all over her room, yet it was not so much as folded into her expensive luggage
on wheels,
ready to be loaded onto our flight.
Her lovely Italian parents made me
a cup of black coffee,
as we waited for her to arrive. When she finally rolled in around 5:18am, she seemed annoyingly unfrazzled that she had not only not managed to secure a good nights’ sleep, was not ready to go & we would probably be vacationing in January,
in The Bronx. 
Somehow, she pulled it together and we were on our way to the airport. I was still shaking my head in disbelief, when we boarded the plane and took our seats. We had a five hour-plus flight in front of us, and as she failed to get any sleep the night before, I bid her adieu. This girl slept from New York, until we touched down in Denver. 
I watched our in-flight movie alone; I drank the drinks we were supposed to be toasting each other with alone;
I ate her meal. She never moved. When we boarded our chartered bus for the now 2-hour plus trip to Copper,
I once again knew I was losing her. Although, this time, she spoke before she passed out. Only, nothing came out of her mouth. She had full-blown laryngitis and was running a fever. She slept on my shoulder for the entire bus trip and when we arrived, we blew past the typical tropical Club Med welcome, that you see in the movie. Bummer. That was the best part!
“Hands Up, Baby Hands Up…
Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever..
outta our way!”
We run to the front desk, to get our room assignment and key, only to find out that there are no keys.
Whah???? No keys?
Who in hell has ever heard of
a resort with unlockable doors?
Huh? Who?
Only resort burglars, that’s who.
I was now thanking my lucky stars
for not amassing a
treasure trove of jewelry,
in my relatively young life.
Nothing to have…nothing to steal.
I was cool.
We got our room number &
headed for the elevator.
I think she was still hanging onto my shoulder,
as her beautiful Italian coloring
was looking more like toothpaste,
by the second.
We got to our room, opened the door (quite easily, I might add) & Lori did a bee-line for the bed.
Now, I love this girl,
but there was no civil, polite discussion
of who got which bed…
she just barreled towards the one
closest to the view, peeled off her jacket &
pulled the comforter over her head.
She could barely breathe
through her nose at this point,
as whatever condition she developed on her night out was rendering her wheezy. I picked up her clothes and put them away. While she was unconscious, I began to unpack. What else could I do? There were no TV’s,
no radio & NO PHONES.
Hey, how will they know about my
room service requests?
The need to restock the mini bah…
.....never mind. Didn’t exist.
The flyer on the dresser says that dinner is served Family Style
at 6:30pm in the main dining room. I tried to gently nudge her, to see if I could get her to eat something.
She looked like Cousin It,
except with long, black hair everywhere I looked, but I couldn’t find her face. She grunted something at me and I took that to mean no interest in food. When I said I was going to dinner, 'It’s' hair started to wiggle and she somehow communicated that she was hungry. Probably cause the last thing the poor girl had to eat was the fifteen olives
in her 6 martinis, the night before, poor thing.
I told her that I would call room service…
Wait. I forgot. Scratch that.
“Uh, Lor? Uh, there is no room service.
There is no phone to not call room service.
I’ll make you a plate and bring it back.
Is it ok if I eat first, since you’re barely breathing?”
The nod of her hair said yes and I told her I’d be back with sustenance.
I get down to the main dining room (main is code for ONLY) and I go to my assigned table and meet my new “family.” Everyone is wondering where my roomie is and they do a group “Awww” when I tell them she’s dying upstairs.
I give a few snarky details about how she had failed to pack at a proper pace and how we dang-near missed our flight, because she wandered in, still in dancing clothes
and very high heels, just when we needed to be checking in at the airport!
I did my best to have an enjoyable first dinner, without my best bud.
When I inquired to the employees
of the dining room about
getting food for my buddy,
they informed me that it is not possible.
I beg your pardon?
What is not possible? Eating?
The meals that she paid for?
“If she IS to eat, she will have to do so
in the dining room.”
Well, you geniuses,
she sounds like Gravel Gertie,
so should I do her hair before I wheel her down to eat???
“Food MAY not leave the dining room, under ANY circumstances!”
Well, there’s no phone,
to phone for room service,
which doesn’t apparently exist in the first place…
so should I have her starve???
They further instruct me
that if she’s that sick,
she needs the Sick Bay.
Oh, boy! No room service,
but there’s an ass-kicking sick bay!
“Will they feed her there?”
I inquire of the Food Nazi’s.
“No food outside of the main dining room.”
My Bronx-bred level of patience
was leaving me about now.
“She vil (I swore I heard it pronounced this way)
come to ze dining room or
she goes to the Sick Bay.
No exceptions.“
I calmly attempted to return to my table.
I carefully took Lori’s empty
dinner plate and started to fill her plate
(it was family style AND All-You-Can-Eat).
Since I was done eating,
I took my beautiful linen napkin and
wiped my dinner plate, perfectly clean.
I then hijacked a set of
salt and pepper shakers and
laid them down next to her mashed potatoes.
I put her unused beautiful linen
napkin in my pocket.
I put my clean dinner plate on top
of her loaded plate,
stood up from my seat and
bid my fellow diners a lovely evening.
I started for the exit and I hear, “Stop zat girl!!!
She’s taking food out of
ze main dining room!!!”
I gave my neck a quick little whip around, to see the ENTIRE Gestapo dining staff
tearing ass after me,
as I made a bee-line
for the elevator, holding that damned plate
up like the finest French waitress,
with the other hand holding
the top dinner plate in place.
There is mayhem and chaos
and screaming coming after me, and
just like in the movies,
that elevator door closed in their faces.
I’m panting and sweating,
thinking this is just not a great way
to start off a vacation.
When I got back to the room, Lori “came to”
a little bit more and
was interested in what I
brought her for dinner.
She was investigating the plate and
seemed perplexed as to why
I was so winded and sweaty
and why there
wasn’t any butter
for the bread?

I filled her in on the lack
of dining options and
that the only means of
her survival seemed to be
the Sick Bay.
She picked through the crappy meal and
proceeded to pass out.
No TV, no radio,
no phones, no room service.
I was fu$(8^%cked.
I was not about to go off
to ski school &
leave her all alone to die.
by now she was actually
looking dead.
But what would that accomplish?
Returning to East Coast skiing,
on two different ability levels?
My Hunter Mountain ski weekends
with her would be Hell!
I’d end up waiting and waiting.
Not worth it.
I’ll entertain myself, somehow.
I spent a quiet day with her,
in the solitude of our
Nepalese Monastic existence,
watching the beautiful
snow falling ever so gently
on the Colorado landscape
through the picture window
that Dead Girl got to sleep next to,
yet never truly appreciate.
I was certainly aware that
we awaited certain death,
when some enterprising thief decided to rob the empty rooms
of the skiers on the slopes,
since I had no ability to lock the door.
she was seriously ill,
entering the phase of chills and
shaking like a Chihuahua.
I had just returned from
Day Two’s dinner and somehow managed
to find the bar
on the way back to the room!
When I saw her worsening condition,
I told her I was heading down
to the Sick Bay,
to see what they could offer her,
in the way of medication.
Well, apparently this Sick Bay
was in no way affiliated or
related to anything remotely medical.
It was the sum total of
the nurse’s office in grammar school,
replete with the nurse,
and the nurse, only.
She was a big,
brute of a gal
and looked like she could
easily kick my ass and
laugh about it.
I decided that I should
curtail my smart-ass demeanor and
kiss up to this woman,
who at the moment,
was our only form of salvation.
I politely inquired about
getting some Tylenol,
some cough medicine...
some, some Vick’s Vapo Rub,
for Christ’s sake…
Nada. I came away,
stone-cold, empty handed.
There wasn’t so much
as a gift shop,
in this One-Star Dump
in the Mountains.
Although I admit I was slightly
in the bag,
I desperately tried to reign
in my sarcasm as I asked,
" Just What Can You Give Me?"
As I rode the elevator back
to our unlocked room,
I stood in stunned disbelief,
surveying the contents of my two hands.
There, laid out for me by
Nurse Ratchet, was:
A pair of latex gloves
I think I was crying,
rocking back and forth &
mumbling to myself,
“No, no, no, no…”
She had informed me that
this was the Most
she could do and
I’d have to get her to a
real doctor on my own.
The elevator stopped
at the floor below ours &
the drunken members
of my family from our dining table piled on
and wanted to know
if the Sick Bay had hooked me up
with some good drugs for my friend.
I searched their eyes
for sympathy and compassion,
before I silently extended
my two open palms and
showed them what I came away with.
was pretty much the answer rigueur.
These people were freaking out,
asking if I, indeed,
had any experience with
the administering of
said contents of my hands.
As the tears pooled in my eyes,
they rolled out of the elevator,
laughing their collective asses off
at my predicament.
As I opened the
door to our room,
Lori seemed excited that I was back…
Just in time to save her life &
get her ass back on the ski trails..
...more importantly,
back in the bar,
where we belonged.
She motioned me over
to her mop of black hair
strewn across the pillow &
innocently asked me,
“What did they say, Sue?”
Wait for it. Wait for it:
She bolted upright...
her hair resembling Janis Joplin’s,
with a burst of energy
I hadn’t seen since the
Friday before we left for the trip.
When I couldn’t meet
her eyes with mine,
and kept looking at my tightly-closed fists,
she wanted to know what they gave me.
When I reluctantly
extended my palms,
she incredulously stared
at the ‘medicine’, now fully understanding
why I told her that death was imminent.
“Oh, I don’t blame you, Sue…
I’d let me die, too.”
Now, wasn't that so sweet of her to say???
Behind me, as I entered the room,
entered the contents of the elevator,
to pay their respects
to the member that no one had even met.
They brought liquor & ice &
cups to put the liquor in, God love them.
They poured me a drink,
as I blew up both exam gloves,
tied a knot at the bottom of each
and squooshed the suppositories
onto the balloon gloves,
onto the mirror of the dresser,
like they were pieces of wax.
Cousin It
called me back to her side &
with the strength of Shrek,
grabbed my throat &
told me to get these
f’ing people
out of our room or
she would kill me.
After the Family members
left us, she sat up in bed,
hair everywhere,
staring at my mirror art and
cursing the Club Med Corporation
out loud.
She downed the contents
of my plastic party glass and
passed back out.
The next morning,
she was running such a high fever,
I quickly got dressed (in my skiing clothes, just to know how it felt) and
half-assed carried her to THE DOCTOR.
The one with actual certificates of accomplishment on his office walls and
the ability to dole out drugs.
I think out of pity,
he took us before anyone that had been waiting in his waiting room,
based on the appearance of Lori.
She was snow white.
Sorry, but that’s the way it was.
Snow white and jet black
Think Marilyn Manson.
Not good.
This look wouldn’t get her far
in the bar, jus’ sayin…..
Well, Dr. Club Med
checked her out,
turns to me,
as if I’m her Mother
and announces:
Very badly.”
Well thank God...
I’m glad we didn’t schlep
through the snow from Club Med,
six miles uphill,
for you to tell me
she’s not feeling well!
Strep throat. Strep Throat.
I just kept muttering it, over and over.
“I’m giving you a prescription
for a powerful antibiotic.
That ought to do the trick,
he explained to us,
as I stared stupidly at him.
He stood there, smiling proudly,
as if he had just bestowed
the greatest news on us.
I swore a Southern drawl came out
when I desperately asked him,
“And Alcohol?
When can she consume alcohol again?”
He just smiled & gave me a look like: ‘Damn vacationing New Yorkers.’
It took four days
for Lori’s demise to come
to a screeching halt.
Apparently, the anti’b had kicked
the crap out of her strep throat and
she was suddenly the friend that I remembered.
She was ready to ski, she was hungry &
she wanted TO GO OUT!! Yeah! Yippee!!!
We re-enrolled in Ski School.
We met up with our group,
which had four days of
powerful ski instruction over us.
We felt like tiny little bunnies,
in a pack of hungry wolves.
These people were animals! These people were competitive! These people would have
skied over their Mother’s dead bodies to win!
There were people from
all over the world, who just got to meet two fabulous girls
from the Bronx,
who had been M.I.A. for four days
of a seven-day vacation.
We had their instant respect.
There was this big,
lumbering man from Auckland,
New Zealand who we would
‘Baahhhh’ at,
throughout the
remainder of the trip,
whenever he would tell a
'so-called' funny story.
He didn’t seem to catch on,
to the implication of my response.
There was a group of guys
from Connecticut,
who seemed to have made
their way through the Club Med Circuit.
They had stories, galore,
about all of the CM locations,
throughout the world.
We heard of their last CM adventure
in Mexico,
when the cracker-jack electrician
fixed the hot tub and proceeded
to fry himself to death,
when he tested it out.
The witnesses were offered counseling and a $500 credit to their next Club Med experience,
for their trauma.
In this group was a nice looking,
if not frail looking young man
who apparently was fresh off of a nose job.
Skiing and rhinoplasty????
Wow. That’s gutsy, huh?
Every time his body hit the snow,
everyone else in the group
would stop in their tracks &
wait for him to either get up or
start screaming.
Can’t have no screaming
in a very high point,
with my feet strapped to fiberglass.
Not a good mix.
We figured if one of us
came upon him,
half-broken in the snow,
we’d just do the right thing and
bury him alive.
It really would be the right thing to do.
Who told him to go skiing
while his brand-new nose was readjusting to his same old face?
Survival skills! This is why we were here! Yeah!
As we met our FRENCH ski instructors,
I had a hard time curtailing my
smart-assed mouth.
Ze way that zey emphasized
certain ski moves,
just had me dying to throw some good
Pink Panther lines back at them.
But, I showed restraint.
I only used my wit,
when the group was
gathered to listen to what
Pepe LePew had to say.
He would give a
verbal description of each move
that he wanted each
of us to do next.
He’d go through his explanation and
I would raise my ski pole, to ask a question.
“Yes, Mouth?” he sarcastically inquired.
“You want us to do what??????????”
I asked incredulously.
He would crack up laughing and say,
“That’s right, Mouth.
And just to prove
what a bastard I am
on the ski slopes,
As I reviewed in my screaming head
the instructions he gave,
I peered down and
it looked like the rest of the mountain,
flowed off of my nose.
It was a triple-black diamond run,
that looked like the surface of the moon.
“The Fu#!c&k
I’m going down there!”
echoed off of the mountain tops.
Our New Zealand Spring Lamb
almost fell off of the precipice
that we were holding at,
from my response.
He laughed so hard,
that he fell backward &
damned near kept going.
He also repeated my line,
in his finest Aussie’ish
(close enough) dialect,
at every opportunity,
for the remainder of our stay:
“The F#u^c%k@ I’m eating that…
The F#u^c%k@I’m getting up this early!”
Bahahaha. Or Baaahhhh.
It all blended together.
He swore his next world excursion
would be to The Bronx.
We came back on January 25th,
blackened like we broiled our bodies in the
Caribbean sun,
although when we
took off our clothes &
looked in the mirror,
we looked like we had
the freakiest farmer tans,
you’d ever seen:
Black, black faces, necks & hands.
Everything else: Snow white.
Loyal Friend, Extraordinaire!